The rapid concentration of consumer wealth in Hayes Valley defies typical gentrification patterns, because the San Francisco neighborhood did not boast immediate proximity to longtime affluent neighborhoods like Russian and Telegraph Hills. On the other hand, Hayes Valley is the best location in San Francisco for Silicon Valley workers in terms of minimizing their travel from the city to the peninsula for work. Observing this rise of the reverse commute ahead of our competition, Azur has transformed Hayes Valley with condominium developments such as 8 Octavia Boulevard, 400 Grove Street and 450 Hayes Street, and rental properties whose design and amenities packages reflect the values of Silicon Valley professionals. The more recent development of 188 Octavia Boulevard and 235 Valencia Street as rental assets exemplifies our attention to demographic shifts. For instance, 235 Valencia is our response to rising living costs in the housing market that resulted in the planning of micro-housing units and micro-retail that create a rich and diverse community.

